Tuesday, December 18, 2012

round 1

well first round of chemo is done and dusted. I'm pretty up and down this afternoon/evening mood and body wise.

It was a super long day, rocked up early for a blood test that I didn't actually have to have or end up having, had to wait an hour past my appointment time to actually see the oncologist so by the time we actually got to the treatment room we'd already been there 2 hours. I obviously wasn't in the best of moods at this point.

Anywho slight wait for the cocktail to be prepared (stirred not shaken) and we were in; but wait there's more! Naturally my veins sucked today and it took nearly an hour of heat packs, 2 attempts and me almost fainting before the 3rd nurse (yeah you read right 3rd) actually got the needle into a vein they could use.

So I get the lovely red drugs first (about 220ml of a drug that makes my pee go pink for a day or 2); all 5 syringes of them then they switch on my goon bag. All up the drugs only took like 2 hours so we were out of the hospital just after 2pm. Not fantastic but we now know for next time to be well hydrated and take snacks. Oh and also sit in a comfier chair or get the bed. Was hoping to swap the chemo to Rockingham so we wont have to spend so much time and money on travel and parking but it looks like the doc forgot from last time I saw him and the nurse will likely forget to bring it up with him (or I might call and remind next week after Christmas).

Glad I've finished 95% of the Christmas shopping now, was getting down to the wire and I didnt want to have to worry about going out if I wasn't feeling up to it. The nurse suggested wearing a medical face mask if I go to shopping centres to minimise the risk of infection but seriously unless it's a Hello Kitty or bedazzled one I doubt that's gonna happen.

The fundraising has been going great guns, I hadn't expected so much support considering the time of year so I really do appreciate all that everyone has done. I am really looking forward to the head shave and catching up with people I haven't seen in a while and debuting my new 'do'.

Starting to feel crap as I write this so that's all for now, might post more later in the week depending on how I am feeling.

Peace out

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