Saturday, May 26, 2012

let me introduce myself

I'm not really sure how to begin so I'll just jump right in.

My name is Kirby, I'm 25 and I live in Perth; Australia. I've been happily married to Chris for the last 2 and a half years. We have 3 small dogs Jellybean the tripod (she lost a leg in a car accident), Gizmo the rascal Jack Russell and Millie the adorable Chihuahua cross. Both Chris and I are originally from the mining town of Kalgoorlie and have known each other since we were 7 (I'll explain more about this later).

Ok, that's just a little about me and I'll probably talk more about my family later on but now to the nitty gritty as to why I am even writing a blog.

I have been overweight most of my life but as a child I was pretty healthy although tubby, I played softball in the summer and hockey in the winter and I enjoyed it. I guess everything changed the year I turned 12, my parents decided to move from Kal to Perth so I was almost half way through my final year of primary school when we left and I had to begin at a new school. Needless to say that it wasn't a positive move for me, I had trouble making friends. I was made fun of for my size and country ways and the people who I did think were going to be my friends ended up being some of the meanest to me.

Instead of playing sports and having fun outdoors with my family I sat inside watching tv (I went from having access to 2 channels to 5, it was a big deal back then) and eating more than I ever should have. I have always struggled to make/have friends, I've always been a bit socially awkward both because of my size and just due to the fact I am incredibly shy. Anyways getting back on track 1998 sucked a lot for me.

Transitioning to high school was a little easier, I was now among a pool of new people who were in the same situation as me and I did a little better on the friend front but I still was in the rut of eating and doing not much else.

This lifestyle has followed me into adulthood and I am now at the point of being morbidly obese which horrifies me. My husband is a healthy weight and although I struggle to fathom why he does I know he loves me for my personality and who I am, there's just more of me to love at the moment.

Thing is, we want to start a family sometime in the near future (near being 1-2 years) and my size is getting in the way of that. My increasing disatisfaction at my physical appearance spurred me in my decision to get a referral to a bariatric surgeon and finally get my health in check.

Don't get me wrong, I have tried a lot of different diets (bar the really absurd ones like Dukan, atkins, detox and soup diets) and I would have some success. I could lose 10kg and then not budge for months. So coming to the decision of surgery was not one I took lightly.

So 10 months ago I met with the surgeon to see if I was a candidate and discuss my options, at the time I was decided on getting the lap band. The appointment went well and I decided to up my private health cover and wait out my 12 months and get it over with.

Here we are 2 months to go and I saw my surgeon again this week to book my surgery date and let him know I changed my mind and wanted to do a sleeve gastrectomy instead (look it up, it sounds fricken scary). I have to wait a month longer than I hoped but I am doing this. Both for myself and my relationship with my husband.

This is about all I can manage right now, as we go along I will update you with surgery details/progress and just chat about my life in general. I will TRY and update every day but no guarantees, I am a little busy lately trying to complete 2 certificates with working full time and trying to find time to spend with my husband when he is home from work (he works away on a remote mine site in the north of the state a week at a time).

Hope I haven't bored you all and that you will stick around and see through this journey with me.

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