Sunday, March 3, 2013

jiggly bits

since I started this blog initially as a way to document my progress with my sleeve I thought I'd write another post today seeing as I haven't mentioned my weight loss progress in a while.

So here we are and I am a full 6 months post op now from my sleeve gastrectomy and I have as of this morning lost 39kg.

What goes along with this significant weight loss is a lot of excess skin hence the title of this post. I wobble now more than ever before and I still want to lose at least another 10kg!!!

I started this journey at 131kg with a BMI of 42.7 which put me in 'obese class III', I was sitting between size 20 and 22 clothing and because of my weight I was having issues with my knee joints.

I am at the moment 92kg, my BMI is now 30.04 which is 'obese class I' (only .04 to get into the overweight class', I am now wearing size 16 and 18 clothes and I no longer experience pain in my knees when I climb stairs.

I look forward to going skydiving later this year as I now come under the maximum weight limit.

On the flipside I feel severe shame in how big I let myself get but I share my story to let others that are unhappy with themselves know that they are not alone and they have power to change their life.

I have also come to the realisation that no matter what I think of other fat people and their size it is ultimately up to them how they choose to live their life. Through the help of a friend I have seen the hapiness and joy some obese people experience in their life without the shame or unhappiness of their size.

I think people need to realise that just because they have negative feelings about another persons body or life doesn't necessarily mean that other person feels the same way about themself. It's just like opinions, just because you have one it doesn't mean it's right.

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