Monday, May 20, 2013

Welcome back

Wow it's been a while since I did one of these, so long I can't remember when the last was. Or maybe that's my chemo-brain in effect.

Anyways not too much has been happening. Everything has been going swimmingly on the treatment front lately, I've been having chemo at the 3 week intervals as originally planned.
I have my next surgery booked for the beginning of July (more tissue removal and only in for the day) which means I should begin radiation early August bar anything being delayed or recovery from the surgery taking more time.

One thing that I am actually looking forward to is my final chemo this week. It will be nice to have these horrible drugs over with so I can move forward with the next phase, considering I should have been done with chemo at the beginning of April had I not kept getting sick I think I've handled it all pretty well.

I spent nearly a week in Kalgoorlie which was great for reinvigorating me, I've felt so isolated/alone and missing the rest of my family. I caught up with an old friend and learnt how to ride our new quad bike (yup we bought a quad, more on that soon). I spent time playing with my nephews and niece and teaching my sisters how to bake. In all it was just what I needed.

I'm going to leave it here for now as I will probably write another post later in the week.